Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nick Colas on Bitcoin

Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Nick as part of NYSSA's newly created video series re his upcoming NYSSA presentation on Bitcoin.

To learn more and view the interview, "click here."

Friday, February 21, 2014

You Shoulda Been There!

In case you missed it, here are two recent media and event appearances that yours truly had the privilege to be involved in:

Wednesday's Bloomberg radio segments
"Taking Stock with Pimm Fox and Carol Massar"

excerpt from NYSSA's January 9 "Market Forecast" luncheon featuring Phil "The Thrill" Orlando and Rich "IH8ARNSL" Bernstein
"NYSSA January 9"

As John Lennon might say, "A splendid time was guaranteed for all".

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Talking Head Time

8 events, 8 cities, 6 weeks.

From the raging bulls in New York to the humorous (but very insightful) comments of a fixed income expert (yes, Matilda, they do have a sense of humor) to the sanguine views of Dr. Doom himself (say what!?), my early 2014 events are in the books and ready to share with all who care.

Today, at 2:15 (eastern), I get to do exactly that on Bloomberg radio's very popular program "Taking Stock with Pimm Fox and Carol Massar". Who knows, I may actually say something of value.

To listen, click here.