Friday, May 14, 2010

Beyond the Sound Bite: An Interview with Dr. Ian Bremmer

As important as China and other emerging economies are to the global economy, precious little time is devoted to understanding their form of capitalism. And when it comes to western oriented economies, even less time is taken to understand which form of capitalism will emerge as the dominant economic philosophy in the aftermath of the ongoing credit and economic crises.

My interview with the founder and president of Eurasia Group, the world's leading global political risk research and consulting firm, and author of The End of the Free Market: Who Wins The War Between States and Corporations addresses these vital and transformational issues that are and will impact the global economy. Investors who take the time to go down the learning curve and seek to understand this emergent battle - its consequences and likely outcomes - will benefit significantly.

Beyond the Sound Bite podcast interviews can be found at
To listen to this interview, click here

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